• Acupuncture involves the strategic placement of tiny, painless needles into specific points on the body's meridian channels, promoting the flow of vital energy, or Qi, and stimulating the body's natural healing processes.

  • Most people experience minimal discomfort during acupuncture. The needles are extremely thin and insertion is often painless. A small pinch or little prick may be felt, but the needles are hairthin, much thinner than a vaccination shot since there is no delivery of product. Sensations like tingling or warmth may occur during treatment, reflecting the energy flow activation.

  • The number of sessions needed varies depending on the individual and the condition being treated. While some experience relief after just a few sessions, more chronic conditions might require several weeks of consistent treatment for noticeable improvements.

  • Cupping therapy involves placing suction cups on the skin, which helps release muscle tension, improve blood circulation, and aid in the removal of toxins, resulting in pain relief, relaxation, and improved overall well-being.

  • Electrical stimulation is a technique that involves sending a mild electric current through acupuncture needles. It enhances the effects of acupuncture by providing gentle muscle stimulation and promoting circulation, which can be particularly effective for pain management and muscle-related issues.

  • Taking herbal medicine is optional but can enhance the effectiveness of acupuncture treatments. Herbal remedies are tailored to your specific needs and can expedite healing, reduce inflammation, and support overall wellness alongside acupuncture sessions.

  • Shinae Yun takes most PPO and HSA forms of health insurance. If you are unsure, please email for a consultation.

Shinae Yun Acupuncture

Ready to reclaim balance in your body? Take the first step towards revitalizing your health and book your appointment today—let's embark on this transformative journey together.